Food I Miss From When I Was a Kid....

My Mom used to make a from-scratch peanut butter fudge, no recipe, just started grabbing stuff out of the fridge and pantry. After Mom died, my sister said she knew how to make it, but it wasn't the same.

I also used to enjoy baked goods from grocery retailer A&P, all marketed under their in-house "Jane Parker" brand. Jelly rolls, marbled pound cakes, orange-coconut pie, etc, have tried similar products from different manufacturers but they weren't as good.
I also remember being taken to White Castle for hamburgers! I know you can buy them frozen at the supermarket, but that is just not the same.
i just got some of the frozen supermarket ones last week...;vo.....not good at all.... we have Krystal here which is similar but of course im biased that Krystal is
Is there a food from your childhood you'd like to be able to get today? Can be something homemade, store bought, or a particular item you remember from a restaurant.

To your knowledge, is that food item available today? If so, have you tried it as an adult?
Mom's homemade stuffing for Thanksgiving and her homemade blueberry cheesecake.
I miss when my father would make hot dogs and beans for supper. Simple, but filling! I am not sure if the canned beans that he used are still available today, but there are lots of brands out there that are just as good.
This is always a good comfort food. I use bushes baked beans and add a few tablespoons of brown sugar.
Frozen bananas on a stick, dipped in chocolate and crushed peanuts. I remember watching a lady make them at a fair when about 8 and she looked at me and said, you are so adorable and gave me one for free ;bg2 . I went to the show at about 12, greasy hair and pimples and another lady making them told me to go away :confounded:, lol. I haven't seen these choc bananas since.
Those look so good; I have seen them made at local summer fairs.