Their Money?... My Money?... Who's Money?


Bigfoot Researcher
Jan 31, 2023
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Deep South…
This is a subject of etiquette.... I think. Lol Or rather right vs. wrong. (cliff notes version here)

So, about 2 months a go, I found a wallet at the gas station. Opened it, It belonged to a young Hispanic kid from New Orleans. Wallet had about 250 Bucks in it. This could have been that kids paycheck. Cash. Gift from God?? It was my "off: week for pay and I sure could have used it! Perfect timing if I might add. What to do...what to do....? Turn it in? Keep the money? Ditch the wallet? There is where your morals come into play....

Back up 5 years: I found another wallet after an LSU home game with $400 bucks in it. Cash. Same thing.

Back to gas station wallet: Really could have used that money! But, it wasn't mine. If I turn it in, I had a good feeling....the 2 shady-ish attendants would have split that cash between them. So, I took the high road and, in my mind, did the right thing. I mailed it back to the guy with a note saying I found it and chose turn it in in fear of him being robbed. And left my email if he had any questions. I forgot all about till I re-visited that store yesterday and remembered. He never replied.

Back to the LSU wallet. I, again, turned it in. Went right to his house and gave it to his mom.

KARMA> I have, in the past, LOST my wallet 4 times.....and got it back. Every...single...time. One man was jogging and found it and kindly mailed it back.

Now, for me to be able to honestly say it was a gift from Spirit, and actually take the money, it would have to be so that the wallet had No ID in it. Because if there is a face attached to it, it's theirs, not mine. Do the right thing. Give it back....
You did the absolute right thing in both cases in my opinion. If there is a way to identify the owner, then a person is duty bound to return it. I think the universe or God sees our choices for sure. The intent of the heart holds the scales. I for one would carry the guilt which is too high a price to pay, not to mention I would worry for the person who was suffering the loss. I don't know if there is real karma coming from a christian view but there does seem to be reciprocity effect in our lives.
You did the absolute right thing in both cases in my opinion. If there is a way to identify the owner, then a person is duty bound to return it. I think the universe or God sees our choices for sure. The intent of the heart holds the scales. I for one would carry the guilt which is too high a price to pay, not to mention I would worry for the person who was suffering the loss. I don't know if there is real karma coming from a christian view but there does seem to be reciprocity effect in our lives.
Thank you for that Lynne.
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I've had two similar occurrences, found a wallet and a credit card. The credit card was easy, I picked it up in the parking lot of a branch of the bank that issued it. I took a photo of it, took it into the bank and asked to see the manager. I identified myself, handed her the card, explained where I'd found it, then asked for her business card. From picking it to being on my way in less than 2 minutes.

The wallet was that of a guy in a nearby town. There was cash in it (I didn't count it), as well as various cards, IDs, photos, etc. I took it to the police department near where I found it, and turned it in. They took my contact information, and again I got the card of the officer I turned it in to. I was asked if it was OK to give the owner my information when he came in to claim it, but declined.
Any time i have found a wallet i have turned it in. I have found random money with no way to id the person. Those cases i have kept. The one major time was a decent amount of money in a bank roll and i held onto it for awhile scanning local paper for anything about it. Nothing ever surfaced, so kept.
Any time i have found a wallet i have turned it in. I have found random money with no way to id the person. Those cases i have kept. The one major time was a decent amount of money in a bank roll and i held onto it for awhile scanning local paper for anything about it. Nothing ever surfaced, so kept.
Thats called a "Score"! Lol
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What the (expletive)! Son of a (Expletive), (Expletive). Damn! Lol
Hence why i held onto it thinking bank robbery, payroll for someone. Nothing showed up in local paper and in all reality, anyone could've seen it and grabbed. It was back road too and i ran it over with my work truck lol.
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Hence why i held onto it thinking bank robbery, payroll for someone. Nothing showed up in local paper and in all reality, anyone could've seen it and grabbed. It was back road too and i ran it over with my work truck lol.
Nah, you must've saved a bunch of helpless kittens from a burning house fire for that luck! Lol