Nuthin' to eat...


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy

There are times at my house that the guys are hungry and I hear "There's no food in the house." Now, this is despite there IS food in the house but it's not what they want! What's your "go to" when the shelves are full but what you want is not there?
Exactly...I often want to know what my "shopping" self was thinking. My hungry self is unhappy with "her" choices.
My wife does this to me sometimes. She buys odd cuts of meat because it's on sale then gets home and asks if I know what to do with it. It could be anything from shaved flank steak to pork neck. Other times it's some ingredient that she's just curious about. Like when my daughter was younger and saw a jar of capers at the store. She asked my wife what they were and how they tasted. My wife couldn't ever remember eating capers before so they got a jar figuring I would know what to do with them. She also starts a lot of conversations with "Do you know to cook [insert type of food or dish]" and 4 out of 5 times she has already bought the item and/or ingredients she thinks I would need.