Ghost Adventures

I saw part of an episode once but had to turn it off because the main guy, guessing Zak, was spewing nonsense.

From what i recall, in the episode they had a dybbuk box and were planning to open it. To protect themselves they had called in a rabbi who was trained on how to control the dybbuk and put it back in the box if things went wrong. When the rabbi showed up they asked what he knew about dybbuk boxes and he admitted that he had never heard of such a thing and had just looked it up online before he headed over. Then Zak(?) made some comments that the dybbuk must be powerful if it made the rabbi forget all he knew about it.

I was beside myself at the fact that nobody had apparently done the most cursory amount of research to know that dybbuks are from Jewish folklore and have nothing to do with Jewish religious beliefs. Cultural Judaism is not the same as Rabbinic Judaism. That's like thinking a Roman Catholic Priest is an expert on the subject of basilisks.
The new episode is another Utah location, Antelope Island in the Great Salt Lake.
We investigated there two years ago, found it haunted. The ranch complex is dominated by angry male spirits, which agrees with what the GAC encountered.
Native spirits also roam the island. There is a bison herd there, we encountered many of them but kept our distance. The rule is, if a bison is looking at you, you are too close.
They are not fuzzy cows. They are huge prehistoric creatures, lol.