4-24-2024 Wednesday Live Chat

Good afternoon everyone!
I'm waiting impatiently for my wife to get home,but that won't happen till around midnight. I'm also watching a very expensive helmet visor go from post office to post office. It's been at my local post office twice now! I'm hoping it's not damaged! It's a Shoie transitions sheild so if it's cracked or chipped it's gotta go back!

Yes! Tons of scars! From the bottom of my feet to head. From accidents with power tools,stabbings, slices,2 ied explosions,and just carelessness. I'm a walking scar.
Got two decent scars on top and bottom of my right hand, one from a recess can and the other from a bath fan housing. Still have a scar from the engine of a Matchbox car on my right knee. Probably have a few scars on the back of my head from an accident and work related stuff. I have what used to look like a Y on the bridge of my nose from a garage door opener track (saw stars on that one). Multiple small scars on arms and hands from slices at work. My one finger you can still see where same accident above gnarled it. At least i don't have any scars from when i burned both my hands when i was little. That was extremely painful with 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree burns on both hands. Certainly never a dull moment lol.
Good evening, PNF. I have been abit absent lately due to work and just being wore out. This has been the worst allergy season thus far with headaches everyday and broken-faucet runny nose lol. Hope everyone is doing well and looking forward to chat one night. It's been awhile and certainly been a strange week or two for dreams lol. Life ramps up and so does the old noggin'. I guess gotta clear out the winter cobwebs now that the awesome weather is upon us ;bg2